It is useful to investigate the popularity of a web hosting company. An easy way is to check the Alexa rank of its domain. One may think that the Alexa rank is not usually reliable for two reasons:
- The owner can cheat by fake traffic
- Not all internet users have Alexa toolbar (to be considered by the Alexa)
But fortunately these are not the case for web hosting companies, because
- It is so hard to cheat the Alexa rank of websites with high pageviews
- Webmasters (who are hosting clients) usually have Alexa toolbar
Open Gmail talking about public Gmail and public Gmail or open Gmail is service that people from any part of the world take part in participating it. This Gmail platform gives free gigabyte to its users when it was first lunched by Google Company but now it provides 15 gigabytes of space to receive emails that are up to 50 megabytes with